
IMPORTANT: This (PACS/DICOM) blog will provide you necessary tools and study materials. For access pay for a coffee INR 499/- only. #PACS #DICOM

IMPORTANT: This (PACS/DICOM) blog will provide you necessary tools and study materials. For access pay for a coffee INR 499/- only. This blog is a typical example of "blended learning" because it uses books, online training exercises as well as face-to-face or internet-based training, and workshops. You will get a thorough understanding of all the aspects of a typical PACS System Administrator's job. In addition, one gains the technical background that allows one to do his or her job in a knowledgeable manner. Our seminars are limited with regard to attendance and are very interactive with a great deal of hands-on throughout the week. Detailed Learning Objectives Participants will understand the basic components of a Picture Archiving and Communication System (PACS), the associated clinical workflow, and the technical aspects to exchange the image and information management information between digital modalities, PACS and Radiology Information Systems (RIS). This will all...

Window Server

Window Server 2016 role configure Step-by-step Window Server Interview Q&A

Run Cmd Pdf

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Competition Study.

Competition Book SSC,IBPS,TET, CTET etc. G.K All Type Accounting Study Practice SSC BOOK  Today afair.\  


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How To Password Protect a page or post in blogger

How To Password Protect a page or post in blogger   12/28/2014  ARJUN CHANDRAN  Facebook       Password protected page is useful when you want to share somethings to the specific people or members. However, unlike Weebly and Wordpress, Blogger does not have password protected page feature integrated into its system. This might be one of the downsides of using Blogger but thanks to its flexibility we are able to have the Password protected page by applying some simple tricks on our blog. Different with password protected page, content encryption uses javascript to lock your content into special characters. This make it hidden from others and only people with "key" can unlock it to see what's inside. Instead of creating a lot of password protected pages for different particular users, we shall make use of content encryption to hide specific content from public. In combination of password protection and content encryption, you ca...